Speed up your polopoly cms implementation
Higher quality and faster implementation with the Pluris® frameworkPluris® is based on more than 15 years of experience from implementing Atex Polopoly. It is mainly focused on the needs of non-media customers, i.e. complex information structure, large organizations with many editors and lots of content. Typical customers using Pluris® are universities and government agencies.
Improved quality
Supports agile development and test-driven design
Proven architecture
Based on more than 15 years of polopoly development
Quicker development
Components and templates based on thousands of hours of development are included
Team collaboration
Well documented with a dedicated website for code maintenance
Lower development cost
Easier for new developers to be productive
Lower maintenance cost
More than 500 test cases ensures that all changes are easily verified
Easy deployment
Well designed build process speed up deployment
All source code are included free to modify for your own use